Okay, I admit it; I lost the battery charger for the camera. Until I find it, all my photos have to be taken on my ipod. They are not the best photos! But it beats nothing, right? Here are a couple of photos of our Christmas. These first two lovely shots were taken by our friend Gina Baehl after Christmas Eve Mass.
I admit it, these photos made me cry thinking about how near I came to not being in them. If you ever want to appreciate your family, just imagine yourself out of the photos!
The kids were SO good on Christmas Eve - and it was a long service. We had fish and polenta afterward, our traditional Italian Christmas Eve.

We've enjoyed our fireplace more than ever this year; I guess that is about all I good I have to say about this cold weather!

Daddy wearing both the boys ties. Me thinks he haveth too much egg nog!
Impromptu card game!
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