I had to work Saturday so we picked Emma Long Metropolitan Park. It's close! We had a blast, but honestly, I won't go there again. It's expensive for the horrid bathrooms and broken down tables. A state park is cheaper and ten times better. But you know what, the Littles loved it.
They spent almost all their time collecting rocks and sticks to throw in the water. This was hilarious fun. They also spent a goodly amount of time just contemplating the water in the luxurious sun. Beautiful.
It was a cold night but we fared okay with our cobbled together heat sources. We warmed up with warm cider while Dear Hubby started the coals for breakfast. Yes I forgot my hairbrush. It's my camping head.
We made orange cup muffins for breakfast. We took a can of pumpkin, a spice cake mix, and a little juice from the oranges. I filled them 2/3 full; half full would have worked better. Then we replaced the cap, wrapped them in foil and set them in warm coals. In 30 minutes they were done. Too bad I didn't think to snap the pix until I was halfway through mine. These were amazing. They had a slight orangey taste, a wonderful smoky taste. Oh. My. Goodness. We served with last night's smoky meats sliced up and a salad of the orange insides and a banana. It was sublime.
Then Daddy had to take off to Waco to deliver kids home and the Littles and I had some more fun in the sun. They spent quite a bit of time collecting tiny shells and arranging and counting them. We eventually tore ourselves away from the sunshine and fresh air and headed for Rosie Pho's to round up our Little time away. I do adore these little guys and all that fresh air makes them hungry. They take forever but we didn't care because we were so busy loving each other.
We'll camp again soon -- even though the nights are chilly -- because it's so good for us all. Maybe Perdenales Falls for some clambering around on the rocks next time. We'll just have to plan ahead for that golden free weekend, maybe President's Day. It's something to look forward to.
I wanna come next time!!!