In a spontaneous fit of creativity yesterday, Pepper and I sat down to make the Caper Chart for our upcoming family camp-out. We really had so much fun. In case you have not used a Caper Chart yourself, here is ours followed by a full explanation. It looks a little unfinished because I photographed it before laminating it.

When we get together, each adult will draw a card from the selection in the bottom pocket. We will write their name on the corresponding card on the sides of the chart, just in case anyone forgets. They can hang on to the one they drew.
Each day, we check the chart for "our" number. (In this example, suits don't matter -- I only had so many old playing cards!) So, for example, if you drew the queen, you would be a "Sous Chef" on Tuesday. If you drew the Ace, you'd be the fire chief on Monday. See how that works?
My teens are good helpers and the younger kids like to cook, so we found a couple of fun "assembly" jobs for the kids. The teens will organize and support the youngsters. The paintbrush represents Pepper's crew and the Softball is Sunshine's.
Even if it weren't such a useful tool, we had a fun time making it! It's a great project for a rainy day -- or in our case, for the 42nd day this year that the thermometer topped 100 degrees!
I love it!