Can you believe it? Our little Tinkerbell, Tinker-tot, Tink Tink is three. For weeks, she's been telling people, "I gonna be three." She has had to wait through The Captain and Dear Hubby's March birthdays, The Blitz and my April birthdays and Mamaw's May Day birthday. It was finally her turn!
She was as gracious as a pre-schooler can be and did thank everyone more than once. When I finished her butterfly cake --which was much prettier in my imagination -- she said, "Oh, mom, thank you
too much!"
Butterfly Cake |
Pretty dress from Mamaw and Papa |
Movie Star! |
She loved her dress up clothes from grandparents and godparents, her shopping money and play-dough from Grandma, and her pretty new dress from Mamaw and Papa. She was tickled pink over the lip gloss and girly things Sunshine gave her and has yet to receive -- but will be thrilled by -- the earrings Pepper is giving her.
Woo Hoo - Thanks Gram and Grandpa! |
Tinker is growing into a girl and leaving babyhood behind. She expresses complex thoughts in words now, if only to herself. Recently we dropped The Captain off at school and she said to herself, "I not got to school yet, no. I too little right now."
She looks after her siblings and is sleeping "dry" - no more pull-ups!! She is beginning to conquer her fear of the dark and is, in general, thriving. She tickles us to death -- she is really funny. She's got the sass too, and is learning when it's okay to be sassy and when it will get her in hot water.
We adore her and thank God, her bio-mom and the State of Texas for entrusting her to us.
All dressed up and no place to go |
What a cutie! Happy birthday! My five-year-old would love all those big-girl things...