For some reason, this year, it has totally captured my imagination. I am so excited about it! Wound up! Because I simply cannot resist the idea that suddenly, we have an extra day. And we won't have another for four years.
Given all this enthusiasm, I am planning a surprise Leap Day event for the kids. Now fair enough, the youngest 3 won't have a clue -- they are nowhere near counting to 29 -- but they love all the silliness because they are some silly-billies. None of my kids have ever had a surprise party so that should add to the fun.
Here are my plans right now. I am using a "frog" theme for lack of any other great "leap" themes. Let me know if you have any ideas for me!
- We'll start with Lily Pad pancakes. These will be regular pancakes colored green, with a frog on each plate.
- At breakfast, we'll make a list of words associated with frogs (on green paper, of course) and see if "leap" comes up! Hopefully one of the "bigs" we'll figure out what's going on!
- The bigs will be dispatched to find an interesting fact about Leap Year or Leap Day online
- We will make thumbprint frogs (on cards for later usefulness)
- We will have some sort of race with our pancake frogs
- We will play a game of leapfrog
- We will read a new book, All About Frogs by Jim Arnosky*, to rest up from the leapfrog game. (*Not now readily available - I suggest Frogs by Gail Gibbons.)
- We'll go outside on a frog hunt (sometimes we have tree frogs right next door in the greenbelt)
- While outside, we'll learn the "Thirty days hath September . . ." rhyme
- We'll play musical lily pads
- We'll have a frog hunt (I'll hide the remaining frogs from the package in a couple rooms)
- We'll finish with whichever of our FROGGY! books (by Jonathan London) we can find.
- We'll hit the indoor pool at the Y; frogs gotta head to the water, right?
- For tea-time (after nap), or dessert for dinner, we'll have Frog Cake!
- Spinach enchiladas for supper! Yum. (It had to be green, right?)
- At dinner, we'll talk about where we each see ourselves in four years for the next Leap Day
- After the Littles go to Bed, we big girls will cap of the day with a silly romantic movie, Leap Year.

Now it's your turn! Got any great "Leap Day" ideas for me?
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