It's been a while. I was sick for weeks. Not in bed, mind you, but the worse kind of sick; the ambulatory kind where I am really cranky and mean but still doing what I need to do, or most of it. The big girls and dear hubby were really understanding and gave some extra help during this time or I probably would have jumped out the window! Finally I went to the doctor, not because I had by then gotten pink eye but because Sunshine had. A few eye drops, an antibiotic for a disgusting sinus infection, 7 days, and I am back to myself. There is definitely a lesson in there about not waiting so long to ask for help next time.
We have company! Yippee! My friend
Sarah Riley, a singer, is here with her boyfriend, Glenn, on her world tour. They have been delightful house-guests and not
too overwhelmed with our large and swarming brood of youngsters. Yesterday while I was at the ER with Tink and Sarah, Glenn and Pepper cooked us a yummy fish pie. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, it was

Tinker got to visit Dell Children's Hospital yesterday. In the morning, she came out and said, "I have a pin in my nose." Sarah got her to gently blow it out. It was her earring! That worked so well that at nap time, she decided to stuff a bead up her nose. Unfortunately, she did a better job of it this time and it is lodged up there. Our doctor said it is too far back and we should go to Dell. They got us right in but it took a while to be seen. Then after several minutes of gentle digging around -- during which Tink cooperated but cried a lot -- they could not get it. Oops. Today we were off to the ENT. He removed it quickly with a little hook. On the way out she said, "Don't put beads in your nose, no." You
Pepper has been growing tomatoes and peppers; she had several on the vine. Yesterday Daisy (our gentle Shepherd-Lab mix) ate them
all. Oh dear.
That catches you up on the headlines.